Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word next to numbers 1–5. There is one example

Submitted by api on Fri, 01/21/2022 - 10:42
Question Text

Last weekend, Harry and his parents went to a small hotel on an ...........island ......................... in a lake. On Saturday afternoon the hotel cook went by boat to the town to see a friend. But then suddenly a [(1) ....................................] came, with rain and strong winds, and he couldn’t sail back to the hotel. At six o’clock everyone in the hotel went to the [(2) ....................................] to have dinner, but it was closed. ‘What’s the matter?’ Harry’s mum asked the waiter. ‘The dinner isn’t [(3) ....................................] ,’ he said, ‘because there is no-one to cook.'

So Harry’s parents decided to do something. They went into the kitchen where they looked in the [(4) ....................................] and in the cupboards. They found some flour, tomatoes, cheese and vegetables. Dad made pizzas and Mum [(5) ....................................] the vegetables into small pieces for a salad. ‘That smells good,’ said the waiter. Harry ate a piece of pizza. ‘And it tastes very good!’ he said. Everyone loved the dinner and thanked Harry’s parents

Quiz Section
Question Type
Fill In Multiple Blanks
Master uuid